每個人都有自己喜歡的生活方式, Diego 和 Anna很幸運,因為他們有著共同喜歡的生活方式。編者認為,這種生活方式給他們帶來的最大好處就是:“擁有整個世界”不再是一句空谈。諾大的世界就是他們的家,他們遊歷八方的經歷所產生的各種感受、世界觀、人生理念或許是顛覆性的,且極具震撼力。澳門導報希望把他們的經歷分享給廣大讀者。(瀏覽連載請關注網站www.am-zm.com )
原創:Diego and Anna
作者:安娜•卡倫娜 Anna Caranta
When I heard it, I thought it was a wonderful metaphor for parenting. That is trust. It is to know that our son or daughter has within theirselves extraordinary abilities, and that he/she will discover them over time. It is to accompany them without seeking immediate results, without having to show his success in front of the neighbors, without crushing them with our pressure that is the expression of our anguish and that, that anguish, that fear of his failure, is the proof of our distrust. There are fathers and mothers who are distressed because the baby does not speak as early as another's baby, or does not walk at twelve months, or uses diapers with two years... They feel that the baby should be faster, they want to be able to show others that their son or daughter does too. But sooner or later the baby will get on two feet; sooner or later he will talk and quit the diapers. Andwhat better way to do it with peace of mind, at their own rhythm, because we all are different. If some children take longer than another to walk doesnot mean that they are incapable, but that they are developing other skills that fathers and mothers still do not see. The same happen with school learning, the age at which they read, or solve mathematical calculations. The child has to feel that we do not doubt them. The child have to feel that learning comes out from an own dynamic, in which the adults extend the hand when the children need it. It is a path that he walks at his own pace, with tranquility, and confidence.