【生態良知教育】 Eco conscience education 連載六

发布时间:2021/07/16 点击数:



每個人都有自己喜歡的生活方式, Diego 和 Anna很幸運,因為他們有著共同喜歡的生活方式。編者認為,這種生活方式給他們帶來的最大好處就是:“擁有整個世界”不再是一句空談。諾大的世界就是他們的家,他們遊歷八方的經歷所產生的各種感受、世界觀、人生理念或許是顛覆性的,且極具震撼力。澳門導報希望把他們的經歷分享給廣大读者。(人物介紹及完整内容,請掃描本文下方二維碼進入官網閱讀)

作者:Diego and Anna     






Also, if we can, make a small veggie garden at home or at school will give everyone great satisfaction. If there is a garden, it is very easy, but if there is not we can think that in a pot we can grow many things, from flowers to tomatoes, peppers, sunflowers or aromatic herbs. Following the process that leads from the seeds to the plant, to the flower, to the fruit, will put the child in a conscious relationship about how nature works, where food comes from. In addition, it creates a communication with teachers or parents, and teaches the kids to take care of a living being. The plant has needs: you have to give it water, sun or shade, prune it, give it support, and we can even talk or caress it, it will always be beneficial. The plant feels and needs, and that small and beautiful responsibility helps the child to grow with more empathy and understanding of his surroundings. In addition, it will give you satisfaction, "the first leaf", "the first bud" the first flower, which are wonderful moments.

If is possible, take care of some animal is also great, of course…



As humans, we are always looking for “satisfactions”. So,what we have to change is what give to us this satisfaction, this pleasure, this happiness. Because those worlds can be filed with very meaningful actions, and human pleasure and happiness can be synonym of ecological behavior. Is not easy in this world, but I do believe it is not impossible if we reeducate ourselves.

If the children,together with the parents and -or pedagogical team, associate the care of nature and the interaction with nature as a moment of pleasure and growth, we will be much closer to an "eco-conscious" education.