【生態良知教育】 Eco conscience education 連載一
Eco conscience education
每個人都有自己喜歡的生活方式, Diego 和 Anna很幸運,因為他們有著共同喜歡的生活方式。編者認為,這種生活方式給他們帶來的最大好處就是:“擁有整個世界”不再是一句空談。諾大的世界就是他們的家,他們遊歷八方的經歷所產生的各種感受、世界觀、人生理念或許是顛覆性的,且極具震撼力。澳門導報希望把他們的經歷分享給廣大讀者。(人物介紹及完整內容,請掃描本文下方二維碼進入官網閱讀)
2006年,在阿根廷因愛上在路邊寫日記的女孩--安娜,Diego毅然決然地放棄了自己在阿根廷一知名銀行裡得到的職位、榮譽與高薪酬的生活條件,決定開始與安娜的世界之旅,從此也開始了追尋他夢寐以求多年的夢想。在旅行途中,Diego開始了自己的新的職業 —插畫師,開始了一段段難以磨滅的旅行經歷。
安娜 (Anna): 法籍 兼 阿根廷籍
途中,安娜通過自己的專業,開始了攝影與文字的編輯,隨後通過不同的媒介,在一些展覽與藝術節,展示他們的旅行“日記”。而《異域之河》源自安娜編寫,迭戈插畫的西班牙語版的《The Other River》, 這一本書後被翻譯為英文版本並在美國亞馬遜,澳大利亞和東南亞一些國家開始出售,而中文版的“異域之河”則選擇在中國,為他們一家能夠完成中國之行,籌集旅行資金。
作者:Diego and Anna
How to integrate the value of ecology
in our everyday life education
How to transmit to our children a true ecological conscience, how to raise them in something that today is fundamental for the future of the planet and for the humanity itself, and that we could call an "ecoconscience", or an " eco-responsibility ”. I sincerely believe that our generation is not the best teachers out there, but that we represent, let's say, a turning point in the history of ecology. We grew up without ecological awareness, and we became aware of that when we were grown up. Now, it is precisely a matter of not repeating the scheme of our fathers and mothers, but of inventing a new scheme in which to guide our children. They, I have no doubts, are already more eco-responsible than us, because they grow up in a world in danger, and they see that and hear it regularly, instead of us, who we grew up in a world of prosperity, where consuming did not seem to have any repercussions on the environment, and the environment did not have much relevance.
All the boys and girls I cross now have a clear idea of the dangers facing our eco system today. It's a bit like the time when tobacco"did not cause cancer" in Europe: there was no awareness of the consequences of tobacco, people smoked everywhere, in cinemas, buses, restaurants. Today we all know about what causes such a gesture. When we were kids, I didn't suffer from tons of plastic piling up in the garbage can. Now, if my son sees that I buy something with a non-recyclable plastic, he gets angry with me and tells me about the planet. If I buy something with palm oil, he reminds me of deforested jungles and orangutans that disappear. If he see plastic glasses in aparty, he marks me how useless it is and how bad it is for the planet. He is the first to see that the lights are off at home because he knows that wasting energy has repercussions on the planet. And so, this generation that we seegrowing and that we help to grow, grows with concern for a planet that is deteriorating at full speed.
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