
发布时间:2024/09/27 点击数:

(本報消息) 據國防部官網9月25日消息,9月25日8時44分,中國人民解放軍火箭軍向太平洋相關公海海域,成功發射1發攜載訓練模擬彈頭的洲際彈道導彈,準確落入預定海域。此次導彈發射,是年度軍事訓練例行性安排,符合國際法和國際慣例,不針對任何特定國家和目標。

The PLA Rocket Force launched an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) carrying a dummy warhead to the high seas in the Pacific Ocean at 08:44 on September 25th, and the missile fell into expected sea areas. This test launch is a routine arrangement in our annual training plan. It is in line with international law and international practice and is not directed against any country or target.